New Book Reveals How We Can Achieve Unity With God

New Book Reveals How We Can Achieve Unity With God

Pacific Northwest evangelist and author Nathan French is well-known for his prophetic ministry and his books in which he shares the conversations he has had with God. Now he has produced his third book, ONE: The Power of Unity, which continues those conversations.

Nathan begins by sharing his testimony, which readers of his previous books, It’s NOT Meant to Be a Secret and Rushing the Flood Gates of Heaven, will be familiar with. He shares how in his youth he engaged in less than godly behavior that led to a suicide attempt, how he survived, and how God began to communicate with Him.

Nathan has become a master at learning to listen to the quiet, still voice of God, but he also knows God wants to talk to all of us; we need only listen. ONE: The Power of Unity, like Nathan’s previous books, is a model for how such conversations with God may go.

In the book’s introduction, Nathan encourages the reader to talk to God by saying:

“My hope has been to build up and encourage all who will listen… You have been chosen for a specific time in history to gain wisdom and understanding to change the world around you. Spending quiet time with the creator, Himself, is my most valuable treasure, and I hope it will become the same for you.”

The book is written in a diary format, providing Nathan’s almost daily conversations with God from May to December of 2012. Each day has a subtitle that speaks to a specific topic or theme. These conversations show how personal of a relationship God wishes to have with us. In one entry, God states:

“You must know by now, My people, that I, the Lord your God, have come to challenge your faith that it will be made strong so that you will be prepared for greatness. Grow in strength and sing out from the joy of understanding so that you can enter My rest. My peace is a result of patience. My love should be as an explosion of the expression of glory you were meant to take part in.”

While at times God’s words are for all of us, at other times he speaks specifically to Nathan. For example:

“Remember, it’s not what you can do for Me, your God-it’s what has already been done for you. ‘It is finished,’ means you have not become just a sinner saved by grace but a saint saved by grace. You are a son-NOT an outsider. I welcome you into My royal priesthood!”

Throughout the book, God calls to us, emphasizing the relationship he wants with us. “Return to Me, My child, and I will return to you. Walk in renewal and enter My rest; then work from there, consumed by My peace.”

Numerous topics are also discussed throughout the book. For example, on Mother’s Day, God states: “Every mother is so very precious to Me for every mother was chosen to be here, right now, to be celebrated. But, without mothers, not one would be here. Bless you, My righteous, gracious, loving, princess mothers, for all that you do and for all that you have done. You are extraordinary!”

God also gives advice and tells us His will. This advice is to help us live better lives with reliance on God and less worry, but it is also quite practical. For example, God tells Nathan to: “Educate yourself on money and learn how to use it as a tool. I want to teach you how to direct your funds so that your lack of funds no longer directs you. Often, the people who lack are the ones who have made money an idol. Fear of lack, greed, and loss deceive people into removing their faith. And without faith, it is impossible to please Me. Faith always releases with expectancy for goodness. I want to teach you that money matters, and matters of money are often avoided, especially by those who are ruled by it. I want you to be in charge of your money rather than letting your money be in charge of you.”

At other times, God gives advice on how to develop a better relationship with Him. In the section titled “How to Give Me Your Whole Heart,” the instructions are to:

1. Lay down all worry, fear, anxiety, and stress.

2. Listen for My voice often with sensitivity to My Spirit.

3. Give Me your hopes and dreams and I will bring them to pass with My will to bless your obedience.

4. Give Me your dependence by walking in the Spirit.

5. Search yourself continually to be certain that your motivation is always pure.

Other passages are very poetic. For example:

Do you want My peace?

Let Me develop your patience.

Do you want My wisdom?

Ask for it each day and I will answer you with its blessing.

Do you want more love?

Give away what you have been given and it will increase in you.

As an added benefit, the back of the book contains testimonies from Nathan about extraordinary events that have happened in his life, reminiscent of God testing Abraham by telling him to sacrifice Isaac. For example, many fine watches have come into Nathan’s possession, but never all at once. Once Nathan received a watch, God would tell him to give it to someone else. Nathan was surprised but obeyed, and then an even better watch would suddenly show up in his life, only to have Nathan also give it away, and so on. And this didn’t just happen with watches, but with cars and boats also!

ONE: The Power of Unity is a true testament to the amazing things that can happen in our lives when we take the time not only to talk to God but to truly listen. It will make you want to reinvigorate your own relationship with God, and all that takes is a willing ear.