NEW: Do Spirits Age? (Psychic Medium FAQ)

NEW: Do Spirits Age? (Psychic Medium FAQ)

Psychic FAQ: Do Spirits Age or do they stay the same age as they were when they passed away?

One of the most common (and controversial) spiritual questions that psychic mediums are asked has to do with the evolution of spirit after death. Do they continue to grow, mature and evolve in the afterlife… or do we simply stop, and continue on in a frozen state of being as we were when we passed from this life into the next?

This question comes up MOST frequently as it pertains to people who see and speak to people they’ve loved and lost in this life, as many find that someone who crossed over in a sick or aged or diseased state will appear younger, healthier and happier when they “visit”, often looking 20 or 30 years younger than they did when they crossed.

As a matter of fact, in some cases… they aren’t even recognizable to the person who sees their “ghost” or spirit – especially in the cases of very young children who report seeing a grandparent from a picture taken in their youth! (as was a case a reader recently shared with us where their 6 year old said – “that is the man who visits me when I go to sleep… pointing to a newly discovered family picture of his grandather taken when he was a 30 year old man… and NOT the 82 year old who passed over from Alzheimer’s many years later”)

The answer, from a psychic medium perspective is interesting, inspiring and can vary a bit depending on what each medium believes:

  1. Some psychic mediums believe that spirits “choose” how they want to appear based on their own sense of spiritual self.
  2. Others believe that the way the spiritual world “works” is such that a spirit will appear in the way that provides the most comfort, help and VALIDATION for the person who is still living… to help them recognize and realize it is actually a genuine experience.
  3. Most mediums say this in my experience – and certainly, I think the evidence bears this out. (e.g. – it’s usually a combination of what the spirit WANTS to look like as they appear, as well as the most powerful way that conveys genuine recognizable proof that they are real as well to the person having the experience)

Of course, there are lots of different thoughts and perspectives on what happens to our soul or spirit when we pass on, and how (or if!) we “age” depends a bit on lots of other factors that there are not easy answers for at all.

For example?

Does time exist as we know it to be here?

(most psychics and mediums and indeed… many spiritual and even scientific minded spiritual researchers believe that time itself is NOT something that exists once we are released from the limitations of human sensory experience)

Do we have bodies when we pass over… or, are we beings of light, thought and energy that have no physical form at all?

The truth is, as unsatisfying as this may be to those who want there to be only 1 truth… the true nature of reality, and your authentic spiritual self, is much more complex and more wonderful than most simple answers would want you to believe.

There is ONLY real way to know for sure is to have your own experience with spirit, to seek out your own truth, and by talking, interaction and challenging genuine psychic or medium that you trust to offer answers that resonate with YOU!