Nuances of Hindustani Classical Music

Nuances of Hindustani Classical Music

Book: Nuances of Hindustani Classical Music

Author: Dr. Hema Hirlekar

ISBN: 9788178062068

Page: 200

Price: INR 395

Publisher: Unicorn Books

For those who listen to Hindustani classical music or those who are looking to improve their knowledge for better appreciation of the music, ‘Nuances of Hindustani Classical Music” written by Dr. Hema Hirlekar is the ideal choice.

Hindustani classical music has become very popular in the last few years. Concerts held all over the world are packed to capacity. Statistics reveals that only a handful of audience truly appreciate the classical music with any degree of knowledge. This book aims to lift the rest to total enjoyment at par with the handful circle.

The canopy of Hindustani classical music is vast. There are many books in the market that explore Hindustani music from different angles, sometimes focussing on just one part such as Khayal. Refreshingly, Hema Hirlekar has produced a unique blend that is at once easy for a raw listener yet comprehensive for highly initiated. It is organised for extremely easy understanding of the musical terms, the music, the genres, the gharanas, and the concerts.

Some special features of the book:

* It explains all aspects of Hindustani classical music ably supported with lively anecdotes.

* It carries a useful glossary of prevalent terms and explanations, and not just with dictionary meanings.

* A dedicated chapter on how to appreciate music, what to expect from a concert and what, when and how to listen, is included.

* An interesting take on popular raags unlike in any other book, describes the raag, its features, moods, rasas, and related popular songs sung at specific times.

The recommendations by renowned vocalist Pt. Vikas Kashalkar, classical flutist Pt. Keshav Ginde and dean of music faculty, Delhi University Dr. Anjali Mittal make the book stand out from the rest. A CD revealing the finer points of the music accompanies the book.