Ophiuchus Zodiac Sign

Ophiuchus Zodiac Sign

Have you been moved to the 13th sign of the Zodiac? Well, lucky you?

Nobody asked you to be switched, right? But all of a sudden some clown decided to move you to unlucky constellation Number 13.

I’m a Capricorn, or I was. I expected to become a Ophiuchus whatever the heck that is. Well, it is the Serpent Bearer. My wife would have never put up with that. She hates snakes.

Well, I got switched too. I’m now a Sagittarius.

The sun is no longer in the constellation it is supposed to be in. This happened centuries ago. Nobody corrected it and nobody cared. So we were a little out of our constellation. Well, now some of us are completely put-out of our constellation.

Traits of the 13 the Zodiac Sign Ophiuchus: Nov. 29 – Dec. 17

This unlucky sign because it is Number 13 and I say it is unlucky is according to the astrologers is the only sign named after a real person. Actually I think I saw him on a rattlesnake roundup in West Texas. Some say he is an Egyptian mummy named Imhotep. Now if that is not unlucky, what is? When I was in high school I sat down next to a pretty young thing during one of those Egyptian mummy movies. It was either The Mummy’s Hand or The Mummy’s Curse. The young lady held my hand tightly throughout the whole movie. We were scared stiff? But after the movie she walked off with her friends and I walked off with mine. Now, isn’t that bad luck?

Also, this sign is associated with medicine. Now how many of us have had bad luck with doctors? Plenty, I would say. Besides, some under the sign wear plaid.

This “snake charmer” is said to reach for the stars, attracts good luck as well as jealousy, and is an interpreter of dreams. I say he is a deadly snake that creeps around at night, a black mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis) who bites people on their backsides while they are sleeping.

My advise to those who have been moved to the unlucky 13th Zodiac Sign Ophiuchus: Nov. 29 – Dec. 17

I’ve been moved from Capricorn to Sagittarius but just taking good traits and dumping the bad. I’m now a “Caprittarius” which I’m sure will be dead-on some new constellation sun-wise in a few zillion years. I suggest that you go back to your birth date, to the actual year, and see what you were born under even if you weren’t. Stick with that. You don’t have to change.

The Astrologers are not putting up with this Imhotep freak. Why should we?

Fly Old Glory!