Organising an Outdoor Event by Using Tentages

Organising an Outdoor Event by Using Tentages

In most major events, the most important thing for anyone is to have is a place and venue. Sadly however, such venues are scarce in Singapore. As such, most event managers dread finding a suitable location for such an event. Not knowing there is such a thing as a tentage rental service.

Tentages are also known as Marquees or canopies in other countries. They are usually used in Singapore in Pasar Malams or also known as night markets. Most people have the impression that Tentages are expensive and also uncomfortable and stuffy to be in. Little do they know that actually you can actually customize your tentages according to your preference. For example, the addition of air con, Fans, air coolers, chairs, tables… the list goes on forever! What you can normally see in an event, you can include it too in a tentage.

Tentages come in many shapes and sizes which can be tweaked according to your preference. In the market currently, There are Classic Tentages, Gazebo Tentages, Air con Tentages, Transparent Tentages, Single Sloping tentages. The difference in the names is due to the design and shape of the tentages. Tentages are very easy to set up and dismantle and this is why it is so popular amongst temporary Hawkers or shop owners. In addition, tentages are not that expensive to rent compared to large venues. For example, the Suntec convention hall and the newly built Marina Bay Sands Convention Hall. In fact, the rental for tentages is only a fraction compared to the two above.

Tentages are normally built by strong steel poles which are erected and a waterproof material which will be used to cover the sides. At times, extra ropes will be tied to surrounding poles to ensure that the structure is secure.

Tentages can also be fitted with many types of equipment such as portable lights or fans which requires power supply from a nearby generator which makes a Tentage so convenient and versatile.

In most places in Singapore, to erect a Tentage you would need to obtain a permit from the respective GRC or related authorities, failure to do so could result in a fine or removal of the tentage.

Most people wanting to rent a tentage often hesitate to call or email the respective company as they are unsure of the dimensions and the quantity of equipment to rent. As such, they often stray away from the use of tentages. Little do they know that the companies available are able to help me estimate and to evaluate the situation and quote them the amount accordingly.