Packing Healthy Lunches For Kids

Packing Healthy Lunches For Kids

Healthy eating is the daily general wellness mantra. What you eat and how you do it determines how healthy you will be, other factors remaining constant. This makes it a bit tricky to pack lunch for kids going to school. You are required to pack food that is less likely to go bad and healthy at the same time. Here are a few tips that could be of great help.

Remember should be smaller in proportion than breakfast but larger than supper.

If you want your child to be in the pink of health, breakfast should be your largest meal, followed by lunch and then supper. None of these meals should be skipped. For this reason, assuming that the child had breakfast as usual, the packed lunch should be a bit smaller than the breakfast.

Consider food choices. Your child needs essential minerals and vitamins to learn and play. Without a good diet, it will be difficult to learn or play. Have at least 3 or 4 food groups in the packed lunch. There should be vegetables and fruits, grain products, milk and meat for instance. Avoid junk food at all costs. For instance, pack a fresh fruit instead of chocolate and cakes. Actually, you should check the Ministry of Education’s policy on school food and beverage policies and adhere to them as you pack the lunch. Unsalted nuts are not allowed in most schools, for example. Some of the common foods that you can pack are:

• Quick Fried Rice

• Corn and Zucchini Fritters

• Avocado, Carrot and Cucumber Sushi

• Bean and Cheese Salad

• Waldorf Chicken Salad Sandwiches

• Roast Beef Pita Pockets

Consider the eating habits of kids, Children are more likely to eat with their fingers than with a spoon, therefore, it is important to pack lunch that can easily be eaten using fingers. Thus, chop raw veggies such as carrots or peppers and let them dip the veggies in cottage cheese. Bread-sticks or whole meal crackers are great as well. Encourage your child to try something new every day.

Use a high-quality lunch box. It will be useless to pack good food in a poor quality lunch box because it may go bad. Use a high quality lunch box that will keep the food in its natural state until lunch time.

All said and done, a parent or caregiver should pack lunch for a child in a very meticulous way to avoid food poisoning or other health effects. The lunch box should be clean and dry. It should be washed every day and it should be replaced regularly.