Pad Phet Muh Sei Noh Mai

Pad Phet Muh Sei Noh Mai

Recipe for Pad Phet Muh Sei Noh Mai

This is one of my favourite dishes: Pad Phet Muh Sei Noh Mai or Thai pork with bamboo. You don’t have to use pork, I used chicken.

It’s a dish I like to make, firstly, because it is so spicy, and secondly, because by omitting the sugar and the rice, I can make it low-carb. It’s also very easy to make.

The following recipe is good for 4 portions if you serve it with rice, each portion having about 250 calories.

You will need the following ingredients:

400g pork escalope (from the topside or eye) – You could also use chicken breast or beef fillet instead of pork.

3 tablespoons fish sauce

½ teaspoons freshly ground black pepper

1 can whole bamboo shoots (540g)

½ red and ½ green pepper

5 tablespoons oil

2 tablespoons yellow curry paste

2 tablespoons sugar

Cut the pork in bite-sized strips, mixing one tablespoon fish sauce and the pepper. Let it marinade for about 10 minutes.

In a sieve, rinse the bamboo shoots in cold water and cut into fine strips. Wash the peppers and cut in strips.

Heat up the oil in a pan or wok, adding the yellow curry paste. After about 2 minutes add the meat. Increase the heat and add the bamboo shoots, the pepper strips, 2 tablespoons fish sauce, the sugar and some water. Keep on cooking for about 2 minutes on strong heat while stirring constantly.

Serve with rice.

Recipe for 4 portions | Preparation time about 25 minutes| Each portion has about 250 calories.

For pictures of the finished result, please visit my blog: