Pagan Sex – Sexual Positons That Work

Pagan Sex – Sexual Positons That Work

Pagans are what really? Do they exit today? What do we know about them, and their sexual practices?

What we do know is that pagan sexual practices live on and the positions they used and use, are recommended by many sex experts today, as some of the best psotions for pleasuring both partners

These positions are great for women as they target the all important G-Spot. Let’s look at them.

The Christian church understood pagans as people who worship many gods, and did not accept one of the traditional saviours (Jesus, Mohamed, Buddha, and so on) or were from the classical Jewish religion. They became known as idol-worshipers.

To stop their practices, the early Christian missionaries would build their churches on the sites of pagan shrines and associate Christian holidays with pagan rituals. A good example was the linking Christmas with the pagan celebration of the winter solstice.

Today, pagans are generally associated with new age polytheistic or nature religions.

Why were their sexual practices so important? What were they?

The sexual practices of pagans were founded on the power of creation and nature’s role in it.

The pagan would gain power and be in harmony with nature if their sexual practice were also in keeping with the seasons, the movement of the heavens, and so on.

What we know about their sexual practices is from the prohibitions of the Christian Church, and its insistence on their standard missionary position for sexual union.

Most of the sexual positions were standing, or sitting, and no beds of girl on the bottom were used. What they banded, and must have been the most popular sexual positions were:

o Deer and Stag

o Bunny and Hare

o Leaping Lizards

o Standing Spoons

The Deer and Stag

This was a standing position where the woman would bend at her waist at a 45 degree angle, hold on to a tree, and the man would make a rear entry, holding her hips and forcing her to counter thrust, while he thrusted in an aggressive manner. This position would allow for good penetration, with fair g-spot stimulation.

The Bunny and Hare

This was the way the pagan saw rabbits copulating, and took a lead from it.

The woman would be on all fours on the ground, and take a sort of crouching position.

The man would spread her legs slightly and while on his knees, he would penetrate her, and thrust in a very aggressive manner, with the idea to finish and ejaculate as quickly as possible.

Leaping Lizards

Perhaps the origin of the exclamation, leaping lizards is a standing position, with the man and woman face to face.

The woman raises one leg, and wraps it around the man’s waist, while being supported against a tree or rock.

The man would enter her, and the woman would embrace him…but their co-coordinated movement gave the image of lizards leaping. This position is excellent for clitoral stimulation.

Standing Spoons

In this position, the woman turns her back to the man, while standing and supporting herself against a tree.

The man spreads the woman’s legs slightly and enters her from the rear. There is no thrusting, as the man presses himself as closely as he can to her, and embraces the woman by cupping her breasts. The woman may use one hand to press the man’s buttocks. With full penetration, this position gives excellent g-spot stimulation.

Pagan sexual practices and positions are not as mystical as many people believe and the positions above are recommended by many sex experts today as great positions for pleasuring both partners.