Performance-Enhancing Drugs Are Not Without Side-Effects

Performance-Enhancing Drugs Are Not Without Side-Effects

If you are looking forward to building up, some muscle on your body and have decided to use some of the performance-enhancing drugs, which are available, you will do well to look at how the drugs can affect you. Do not go by the information published by the manufacturers of such products because it is common for them to hide information, which will prove harmful to a consumer. You will have to be extra cautious to understand how the drugs can harm your body. The better option for you would be to avoid such products altogether and look out for alternatives because they are a safer option.

Most athletes and with a particular mention to bodybuilders tend to use performance enhancers which they feel will give them a competitive edge over their counterparts. Anabolic steroids are perhaps the most used apart from human growth hormones, diuretics and stimulants. Athletes feel that the drugs give them a feeling of a high to perform better and are worth the risk taken because of the accolades which could follow them. However, if they could research the side-effects of such drugs, they would realize that the risk isn't really worth taking. Let us look at the kind of risks athletes expose themselves to when indulging in doping of any kind.

Anabolic steroids are today available in a synthetic form and are not approved by the Food and Drug Administration of the country. They cannot be detected by tests determined by the World Anti-Doping Agency. This clearly indicates that athletes are free to use such products without the fear of being detected. These steroids can cause plenty of harm to the human body apart from leaving other traces, which can prove troublesome.

Men who indulge in doping over an extended period of time can find themselves falling prey to impotency, infertility, baldness, shrunken testicles and even begin to develop breasts that look prominent.

Women can find themselves developing an enlarged clitoris, a change in their menstrual cycles, and increase in hair on the body or even baldness.

Some of the problems which both men and women can face together are acne, hypertension, aggressive behavior and dependence on the drugs. The list about how steroids can leave behind long-lasting side-effects is endless but athletes still prefer to take the risks because of the rewards and fame that are involved.

Things would perhaps be a lot better if people in the sporting world simply decided to forego the short-term benefits offered by steroids and chose to use supplements of deer antler velvet. This supplement can give them all the benefits which they are looking for without the risk of any side-effects being left behind. Athletic federations had earlier banned deer antler velvet supplements but the ban was revoked on April 30, 2013. With the option of using supplements made from 100% natural ingredients now being available, athletes can now look forward to achieving the results they want without the use of steroids or drugs. They just have to ensure that they purchase antler velvet supplements from authentic sources and are getting the right dosage that is required. They will soon find that they are able to perform better, recover better and also remain healthier without any difficulties.