Planning Your Unique Tour to Australia

Planning Your Unique Tour to Australia

To experience and get the most out of your journey to Australia, you should have a good map. This is important, as all other types of planning will start from this point. Australia is so beautiful from the vast isolated outback to its sunny blue beaches. You will need a perspective of the distances involved in the places you want to see, this will allow you to map out an itinerary for the timeframe you have. Still confused about where to start? Think about what it is, that is the most important thing you want to get from your time in Australia. Start from the nearest capital city to where that place is and you should be on track!Here are some simple suggestions to help plan your unique tour to Australia.

Know The Seasons; Australia has two seasons, which are a wet and a dry season. Like the name suggests you will want to be in the dry season where the weather is warm and sunny. These seasons alternate between the top half and the bottom half of Australia during November and April each year. In the southern half of Australia plan your touring between November and April when the weather is warm and beautiful. Alternatively if you are planning to be north the best time to do this is between April and November.

Choose the experience before the destination; a pitfall of most journeys to Australia is trying to cram too many places into your itinerary and the destination results in becoming ” A tick the box “place that you didn’t have a chance to see or explore at all. It is always better to do one place really well than do most places briefly. By choosing the type of experience you want you can allocate enough time in that destination to get what you’re after.

Budget per day; Touring options can seem quite expensive although when you break it down into a daily rate it makes it quite affordable. Remember if you were doing it yourself you would be have to budget meals, accommodation and sightseeing activities anyway. Consider this when browsing through the different tours and activities.

Know yourself; There are so many different ways to tour nowadays, you need to consider what tour is going to be best for you. Things to consider are group sizes and the dynamics of the group you will be travelling with. You want to choose the options that is going to best for you and tours that fit your personality and character.

It can get all quite confusing, though if you focus on what’s most important, you might not find everything your looking for but will get most of it. Working backwards on an itinerary can also help if dates and transfer times overlap and don’t add up. This should help you plan your unique tour to Australia.