Post Summer Skin Survival – Prolong Your Tan and Keep Your Skin Healthy With 3 Simple Steps!

Post Summer Skin Survival – Prolong Your Tan and Keep Your Skin Healthy With 3 Simple Steps!

It’s great to get a beautiful, healthy glow over the summer months but it’s very important to take good care of your skin. Especially after returning from a holiday in a sunny destination where your skin has received far more sun exposure than usual.

Three very important tips for looking after your skin during and after your sunshine break are:

Hydration — Drink lots of water

The sun has a very drying effect; by drinking lots of water you skin is hydrated from the inside to outside which is extremely effective. (There are of course lots of other benefits to drinking plenty of water!)

Moisturize Lots

To keep your skin in good condition, and prolong your tan a lot of moisturizing is required. Use a rich nourishing cream at least twice a day. Whilst on holiday a good sunscreen is absolutely essential to avoid premature skin aging and burning.

Exfoliate — Gently

Peeling can be a big problem following a visit to a hot destination. Exfoliate often whilst on holiday to avoid any build up of dead skin. Then when you return home continue exfoliating to get rid of dead skin, reducing the chance of peeling.

A holistic skin treatment is of course the most effective way to look after your skin’s individual needs. Your skin care routine (drinking water, regularly moisturizing and exfoliating) should be maintained before, during and after your holiday.

And if you find it difficult to obtain a healthy, all over sun tan — a St Tropez spray tan is a great cheat — and of course a safer one.