Panama Esmeralda Geisha Natural


Esmeralda Private Collection is where to look for dependable, consistent Geisha coffee quality. Private Collection lots are made up of a blend of micro-lots from our Geisha producing farms, selected for the signature taste of high-altitude Geisha coffees.

Geisha coffee is the most unique, expensive, and sought after natural coffee in the world. It is on a completely different level than other coffees. People use words like “floral”, “grapefruit” and “jasmine” when describing its flavors. In fact, Geisha is considered by many coffee professionals, connoisseurs and enthusiasts to be the most intense, complex, brilliant varietal ever discovered. Geisha gained its current acclaim from crops cultivated in Panama, although its roots can be traced back to the fertile slopes of Southwest Ethiopia. Geisha coffee plants are low yielding and only grow in certain areas of the world in tiny microclimates. The combination of low production and high demand due to its unique flavors have created this coffee to have true cult status.

Roasted Coffee Beans – Medium Roast

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