PS3 Disk Read Error – How to Fix PS3 Disk Read Error?

PS3 Disk Read Error – How to Fix PS3 Disk Read Error?

Got a PS3 disk read error? And let me guess, you are looking for the cheapest, quickest and easiest way to get this problem fixed, right?

This error is caused because of your PS3 lens. It’s probably dirty because of a long period from dust build up. So to fix this problem, it’s high likely that you need to open up your console and fix it from within, but how?

Well, in order to fix an error like this, you can do 2 things. You either send your console over to Sony, or you will actually fix the problem all by yourself. But, what’s the best option to do?

A Couple Of Tips That Might Fix The PS3 Disk Read Error

1) Restart your PlayStation 3.

2) Check for loose cables.

3) Unplug all cables, and plug them all back in correctly.

4) Take out the hard drive, and put it back in correctly.

Didn’t these tips fix the PS3 disk read error problem? If not, then you’ve got to consider to choose 1 of these 2 options.

PS3 Disk Read Error Fix By Sony, Do Or Don’t?

This sounds like a pretty normal and good option right? But, you wanted a cheap, quick and an easy fix right? Well, then this option isn’t your cup of tea. When you do this, you’ll have to pay $150. But, this only needed if your warranty has been expired.

Also, you will have to wait for 4-8 weeks before you console will be fixed.