Public Speaking for Entrepreneurs: Are You Winging Your Presentations?

Public Speaking for Entrepreneurs: Are You Winging Your Presentations?

The day of your presentation to the team is looming.

You had intended to spend more time on it. Crafting, preparing, drilling.

You think to yourself ‘where did the time go?’

It is now the night before.

Something else comes up. You think about your topic and you know it well. You think to yourself ‘I’ll just wing it.’

Robert Charles Lee explains this term:

‘”Wing it” (to wing it) is an English idiom meaning to improvise – in other words, to invent a way on the spot (on the fly) to deal with a situation you are unprepared for. In other words, you do the best you can under the circumstances.’

An impromptu approach to preparing for an important presentation. Hmm.

OK. I’m not going to give you a lecture that you need to study before the exam, i.e. rehearse your speech endlessly and have every word memorized…

But! Preparation is necessary.

What I’m about to reveal is that you can go into this presentation with a strategy.

Aside from your charisma and charm. (Bring them along though.)

The strategy can be achieved through one key superpower that lies in you:


Ask yourself: what is my intent for this presentation? Consider how you will connect with and create change in this audience.

Here are 3 ways to turbocharge your Intent:

1. Give value – to your team (audience). There is knowledge and insight that you have and your team do not have. Find an interesting way to deliver this. (Hint: not blah blah blah.) Imagine you are sitting in the audience listening to you. What would make you see the information presented fresh, new and unique.

2. Seek input – from your team. There is knowledge and insight that they have and you don’t. Bring your audience into the presentation through your expert facilitation skills, make them part of it. Eg, if you advise them of a new policy, discuss it, brainstorm their ideas, workshop it. Flesh out what it means both good and bad. Make it fast paced and fun. Challenge them.

3. Grow – together. Use this time as an opportunity to bring your team closer to you, your Vision. Come to a unified front. Done in the right way, they will feel like they have experienced a rush, a thrilling ride.

The trick is to grow your wings, your public speaking wings.

Have the confidence in your speaking to take charge, give and grow.

Imagine… once you have your public speaking wings, you’ll soar the skies with success.

To your excellence in speaking,
