Quit Smoking Through Hypnosis – Learn to Use Hypnosis to Quit Smoking

Quit Smoking Through Hypnosis – Learn to Use Hypnosis to Quit Smoking

In this article I am going to show you how to quit smoking through hypnosis by helping you understand how hypnosis works to get your subconscious to shift your thoughts from negative expectations to positive expectations. Then I will show you how you can use that shift to transform your quitting smoking effort into a truly self-empowering experience.

It is no secret that an estimated 95% to 97% of smokers all across the world who try to quit smoking fail within the first year of attempting to break free of their nicotine addiction. Most fail in the first two weeks. You will find that statistic plastered all over the internet, from one authority site to another. What may come as a surprise to you however, is that the failure rate of those who try to quit can be attributed to one simple thing…internal thought processes…not to the severity of nicotine addiction.

Of the 3% to 5% who successfully remain non-smokers after one year, nearly 90% of them quit cold turkey by using nothing more than will power alone.

So, What exactly is it that separates winners from losers in their quest to end their smoking addiction? Simply attributing success to a strong will power is only part of the answer. Yes, a strong will power was the one consistent factor in succeeding where others failed, but there is more to it than that. How did those individuals acquire a strong enough will power to succeed while others remain unable to do so? An even better question is, can anyone learn to improve their will power enough to succeed where they have failed before? That’s the really important question.

Before we can answer that question, we first need to have an understanding of what will power truly is.

Will power, is as the words suggest, a mental process of projecting wants, desires and thoughts into action by nothing more than the use of one’s will to do so. Having will power is having the ability to force yourself by thought processes to take action and see something through to completion.

So, why do some folks seem to have an abundance of will power and others seem to have little to none?

Here is where it gets interesting. The subconscious mind is far more powerful than your conscious mind. Its job is to serve and protect you without you having to do much conscious thought about your daily life. Your subconscious mind is also what is able to drive your will power to achieve marvelous results if you simply learn how to properly instruct it to do so.

If you have ever gone to a psychologist or known anyone who has gone for therapy for any reason, and let us just use depression as an example, you may have noticed that psychologists tend to zoom in on particular words and phrases that you choose to use during your session. There is a reason they do that, and it isn’t just to get you to tell them what you are thinking or how you are feeling, it’s to get you to reveal the way you think, not the actual thoughts themselves.

You see, words have power. Words instruct our subconscious to do and think whatever we want it to. The words we choose to use in our daily speech, as well as the internal dialog inside our heads when we daydream or dwell upon any thought or subject also have power. Our entire outlook on life in general can be directly traced back to the words we use inside our heads when we are thinking about anything. So too, do the words we use in general day to day conversation when we communicate with others. Those words give insight into how we do simple things like problem solving, or explain why we behave the way we do.

So how does this relate to quitting smoking?

Most smokers will say something like this when asked why they don’t quit smoking…”I’ve tried to quit but quitting is too hard, I just can’t.” Well guess what? They are right. I’m sad to say, they really can’t. It isn’t because quitting is too hard though. It’s because they have convinced their subconscious to believe that it is, by not carefully choosing words that enlist their subconscious into helping rather than giving up.

From early on in life, we begin to use certain words over and over again, and those words get into our subconscious where basic programming makes our lives work without having to think about it. The subconscious interprets the words we use, to shape not only our outlook on life, but more importantly, how we deal with problems and tasks that we’ll encounter.

Type A, driven people, for example, tend to use powerful, positive, can-do, must do, action driven, success words. They’ve trained their subconscious to get busy and get things done.

On the other hand, people who suffer from depression, as example, use very negative words to describe how they feel and how they see their lives. They use self defeating words like can’t, won’t and never. It’s the difference between I can do something and I can’t do something, or things can improve or the can’t improve, I can get better or I can’t get better.

Psychologists call this self-fulfilling prophecy. If you expect to fail, you generally will fail, if you expect to succeed you generally will succeed. If you expect things will never change, well guess what? They will never change. Not until you change your expectation by changing the words that motivate your subconscious mind to make those changes.

The hardest part of quitting smoking is changing your expectation from quitting being hard, to quitting being easy, thereby removing the self-fulfilling prophecy of not being able to quit because you think you can’t. The process of rewriting the broken programs residing in your subconscious is actually a very easy process to learn. You can quit smoking through hypnosis, because hypnosis allows your conscious mind to work directly with your subconscious mind.

What I hope you have gained from this article is that you are far more capable of doing seemingly impossible things than you may be giving yourself credit for.