Raffi King – Poker Player or Business Man?

Raffi King – Poker Player or Business Man?

Start up companies play a huge role in society today. Apple was once a start up in a garage, until it got the financing it needed to be a multi-billion dollar corporation. Google, too, was a start-up, with stock brokers at one time selling the internet search giant’s shares for under $5. It has always been hard for Raffi King to decide whether or not to enjoy himself playing poker, his passion, or finding more great start up companies like Bidz.com to help hundreds or thousands of investors make it rich, too.

On the one hand Raffi King has had a lot of success playing tournament poker with dozens of wins in California and Vegas. However his success with start up companies has been even more impressive.

As a co-founder of online auction giant Bidz.com back in 1998 he helped Bidz.com raise the $28 million needed to expand and later go public. Shareholders were rewarded greatly when the company floated on NASDAQ at $8 and within a few months reached $22.50.

“I have always loved playing poker” Raffi king said, the competition really gets me going. “Once I really learned how to play I was hooked”. Raffi King’s dream is to win a coveted bracelet at the World Series of Poker held each year in Las Vegas. “One win there can pay life changing money” Raffi King says.

Right now Raffi King is working with a group of doctor’s engineers and businessman to develop the worlds very first early warning detection device aimed at preventing SIDS or sudden infant death syndrome. “I knew I wanted to be a part of this project the minute I saw it,” Raffi said. SIDS, also known as ‘Crib-Death’, is a tragic thing that affects thousands of babies each year.

If we can help to save even one of them then it was worth it. You can read more about this amazing new project by visiting the company’s web site at Remote Life System. This product will hopefully be in the stores within a year.