Rap Beat Making Mistakes to Avoid

Rap Beat Making Mistakes to Avoid

In recent years software readily available on the internet has allowed thousands of people to start rap beat making from home. But there are a lot of people that are running into mistakes that prevent them from publishing their music or even making a good beat to start with.

So here are my top tips to avoiding these common mistakes:

  1. Do not copy anyone else’s work. Plain and simple this is totally illegal. Sure you could use it as inspiration or even mimic a well known track to get some practice in or learn how to build a successful beat. But don’t copy anything from anyone else.
  2. Avoid any programs that only have templates of beats for you to play around with. This is going to totally limit your creativity and stop you from creating your own unique beats. The best software out there is so simple to use you wont need any of these restrictive guidelines to make a good track.
  3. When you are looking at a program to buy make sure there are some videos, at least one, that lets you see inside the software. Better still find one that shows a beat being made from scratch. You then will know if this particular one suits you and has all the features you are going to want to use.
  4. When it comes to creating your beats, keep them simple to start with. Many people go shooting from the hip, make their beats too complex, lose the catchy hooks needed and produce a messy shambles of a track. There is fine art to creating the more complex beats and this is going to take some practice.

Rap beat making should be simple with today’s technology and you should be able to get something down within minutes. Here is my last tip and last error to avoid. Make sure the software program you choose has a function to burn or download as an MP3. You don’t want to create a killer track only to have it stuck inside the beat maker!