Rap Beats Mixed With Hip Hop Beats?

Rap Beats Mixed With Hip Hop Beats?

To make hip hop beats is an easy task. First you need to know the differences between those two types of beats. In order to know that you need to know the difference between those two types of music style.

The hip hop was understood such as an extension of rap music. It was accepted and considered as a style which may be accomplished through the rap music. Rap was focused on the lyrics while the other one was focused on the sounds.

The rap beats have sometimes many differences comparing with the hip beats. In the 90’s the beats for hop music were just samples. The samples were used by the masters of ceremonies, some of the visionary rappers. The main thing that was really appreciated was the lyrics. The rap music was about the life on the streets.

These days, many beats are combined. In the same time they becomes unique, even the beats are mixed up. Many of the hip music hop beats are similar with R&B music style beats and pop music beats.

The rap beats are mainly used for the street and hip music.

Even lot of you won’t agree with the aforementioned, the reality is you need to combine those two types of beats. The reason is simple. You are trying to captivate the attention of as much people as you can. If you choose to create only rap beats you will get the underground rappers attention only. The hip hop is much more commercial than rap. Anyhow you can capture the attention of both rappers and hip hop lovers if you create good and memorable beats.