Reaching Out to Animals at Home While You Travel

Reaching Out to Animals at Home While You Travel

You wish you could take him with you,

But sometimes they have to stay behind.

It’s really hard to travel when your animal family can’t come along.

The good news is that you don’t have to be completely separated while on vacation or a business trip.

Animal Communication works very well whether you’re sitting with your animal, or whether the two of you are separated by thousands of miles.

The summer vacation season is about to start and your animals may be wondering whether their family will disappear again this year.

Do you tell them your plans for your vacation?

How long will you be away?

How will they will spend the time when you’re away?

Who will take care of them?

How soon will you return?

Animals do better mentally, emotionally, and sometimes even physically when they know what the plans are.

Because they love you, they want to know about your trip, too.

Where are you going?

What will you do there?

When will you return?

Will you think about me while you’re gone?

Most of our animals know that we need a vacation sometimes, but if they can’t be on the trip with you, they’ll feel more included when you share the details.

And it reassures them to know about the arrangements you’ve made for them while you’re gone.

Setting expectations reduces or eliminates any anxiety or stress they may be feeling.

You can certainly tell them these things yourself, but unless you’ve learned Animal Communication, they might not understand everything and won’t get to ask the questions that concern them most.

Once you’re on the trip, you can still arrange a professional Animal Communication session if you need one.

  • A check-in while you’re on a long trip helps you and your animals feel more connected.
  • If a crisis occurs delaying your return or affecting your animal’s well-being, a professional Animal Communicator can speak with you by phone and talk to your animal(s) telepathically even while you’re still traveling.

One of my clients had a situation arise just recently while she was traveling.

My client was on a business trip in the USA and her cat was home in The Netherlands. The cat’s in his teens and has some health issues.

My client left him in excellent care, but a heat wave in The Netherlands affected his overall health situation.

What a relief my client and her cat both felt when I did a session for them allowing them to speak with each other through me.

It reassured and comforted both of them.

So keep in mind that when you travel, connection with your animals is as close as a phone call to an Animal Communicator professional.