Rear Window Graphics – Choosing For a Holiday Gift

Rear Window Graphics – Choosing For a Holiday Gift

Need some help choosing that perfect holiday gift? With the shopping days upon us already and Christmas right around the corner you might wonder what you can get that is different this year and sometimes its tough to look outside of the box that we are so accustomed to. But with a little education and guidance it’s not that hard at all. Most of us have cars and trucks, and so do our friends and family. and many of us like to be unique, we like to dress up our cars and trucks to make them our own, to reflect our tastes, and our own identities. And then even some of us don’t drive at all, we take public transportation and mostly through the public bus system. Have you noticed any advertising on the sides of those buses? They typically wrap the entire bus nowadays with a full color ad, and they go right over the windows. But you can still see through the windows. How do they do that?

In the industry we use the same type of process with rear window graphics. We print full color images on perforated vinyl films that typically go on the outside of the pickup truck rear window glass. It makes it hard to look inside the truck, but from the inside out it appears as if you were looking through a regular screen door, its pretty easy to see out of. These images are what we call Rear Window Graphics.

Rear window graphics can fit just about any vehicle, but mostly you will find them on pickup trucks. They make excellent holiday gifts at a fairly reasonable price. There are many to choose from, and there are thousands of rear window graphics available to make it pretty easy to decide, so whatever type of image or picture you might need you’ll probably find something suitable here at the online store. It’s also easy to find the perfect gift that you want because all of the graphics are organized into many categories to make things simple. Some of the newest rear window graphics categories added are the public awareness category which has a lot of the pink ribbons and the hope banners, cancer awareness etc. Additionally newly added are a huge aircraft section, deer and hunting, and American flag section.

And finally, an installation guide for the do-it-yourselfers is available that shows step by step instructions along with pictures showing exactly how a buyer could install one of the rear window graphics himself. There were not many tools needed, there were just some clean towels, glass cleaner, a squeegee and a razor blade.