Remove-Uninstall Security Suite Virus

Remove-Uninstall Security Suite Virus

Security Suite is a bogus antivirus application that is same as a Antivir Solution Pro. It is capable to infect computers through websites that host various videos which when user play, got a message warning saying that you need to update flash software to view the video. After the flash software update is downloaded and you run it, it automatically infects your system with the Security Suite virus. It is so harmful that it installs TDSS rootkit. It will automatically start after windows login and start the scanning process that results saying that there are several infections in your computer system and in order to remove the infections you need to purchase the full version of Security Suite Virus. But the fact is the actual virus is the Security Suite Virus that you should remove from your PC.

Actually the security suite does not scan your system but it only pretends that it is scanning which is a scam. It gives fake results and its objective is to theft your money by purchasing the full version of this bogus software. Not only this, it also blocks several genuine applications on your system. There are some fake security warnings that it throws:

  1. Security Warning. Application cannot be executed. The file notepad.exe is infected. Do you want to activate your antivirus software now?
  2. Windows security Alert. Windows reports that computer is infected. Antivirus software helps to protect your computer against viruses and other security threats. Click here for the scan your computer. Your system might be at risk now.
  3. Antivirus software alert. INFILTRATION ALERT. Your computer is being attacked by an internet virus. It could be a password stealing attack, Trojan – dropper or similar. Threat:BankerFox.A Do you want to block this attack? Yes or No

Other thing that it does on your computer system is the changing of the Proxy server of internet explorer and so you get the fake warning messages like:

Internet Explorer Warning – Visiting this site may harm your computer! Most likely causes: The website contains exploits that can launch a malicious code on your computer. Suspicious network activity detected. There might be an active spyware running on your computer. What you can try: Purchase for secure Internet Surfing (recommended). Check your computer for viruses and Malware.

If you have used your credit card to purchase its full version then you should contact your credit card company and tell them that you were the victim of a scamming and you bought in fact a PC virus so there are chances that they can return you money.

Since it is not possible to just delete security suite since the bug spreads very well, you must go through the manual removal process that will involve:

  1. Searching among the system files for.exe or.bat extensions that were generated by the virus and deleting them.
  2. Any virus related.dll,.lnk by the virus that running in background also need to be deleted.
  3. Using registry hack to remove anything into the floders HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKEY_CURRENT_USER that refers to the virus

These manual steps are only for the expert users and if you are not one of them then you should not try these steps and rely over other simple solutions. With the help of some professional virus removal application you can remove them faster, easier and far more likely everything will be perfect. But since the virus has done some serious infections in your computer system, using just a virus removal application is not enough and you also need to use the registry maintenance software like windows registry repair to repair all the errors and make windows registry healthy.