Russia and Israel: To the Death Marching

Russia and Israel: To the Death Marching

The Middle East is an oven ready to explode, I don’t have to prove that, we can see it; we see Iran playing with nukes, and Syria and Iran supplying terrorist groups. Russia looking here and there for money, its old glory, and who is in the Middle? You guessed it, Israel. I do not wish to be skeptical with a message, like so many preachers, trying to sensationalize the Biblical hour of destruction, but lets put it where it belongs, no conjecture, no footnotes, just description: we can turn to the front pages of any newspaper to see where we are headed, or we can turn to Ezekiel 38: and chapter 39, read the whole thing, you will find Russia, Moscow, marching to the Middle East.

Ask the question: who can take down Israel? China can’t, they’d lose their pants, and belt, or as they say in Peru, the Goat and the Rope. There are only two countries in the whole world that could take on Israel, the US and Russia. Europe, or even NATO, without the US assistance would be cooked alive if Israel decided to pour their might upon them. This is not boasting, I am not Jewish, nor boast, it is fact. I spent 11-years in the military. We got nukes over in Europe, but by the time we got to put them in place to use, the sake would have gobbled us up. It is just show and tell over there.

Ezekiel is the prophet in question here, as Russia is signified as Rosh, in the Bible, from whence Russians derive their name. Thus, Russia will invade the land of Israel, but be defeated. In researching this, and watching world events unfold, one need only as who is the face of Gog, and where is the land of Magog? As a result of your research, you will discover Mother Russia. The meaning of Gog, is ‘end time ruler.’ But what we discover in the bible is this: Gog’s last stand. The tips of the Caucasus Mountains are referred to as or called ‘The Gogh” We also can trade Magog to the book of Genesis Chapter 10.

I don’t want to get too much into spreading this out as far as one can, it would take a volume or two, but to make a point I must settle something. Josephus, a Jewish historian, who worked for the Romans, who lived 2000 years ago, said the Greeks called the Scythians Magog or Magogites. These are the very same people Russia gives credit for populating their land, thousands of years ago.

The bible and times, and means indicated a great conflagration in the Middle East in the last days. These are the days you and I are living in; to me they are most interesting. We can recognize these as actual or false, it doesn’t matter, I am just a little vice among many, but God’s word says so, and as I said already, so does the times and means. If it was up to me, I’d say let’s get it over with, I feel we are living in a most interesting time. Actually, there are only two times in history I’d liked to have lived, the first, would be in the beginning, when Adam and Eve were alive, the second is now, at is end.