Secret Medical Exams in Young People Under General Anesthesia

Secret Medical Exams in Young People Under General Anesthesia

The information in this article is obtained by collection of many testimonials from people in various parts of North America and Europe, and by comparing these testimonials. It explains several disturbing patterns that young persons frequently experience at hospitals and health centers, that it is difficult to explain otherwise.

In several societies young people put under anesthesia for some common procedures are often secretly examined in other parts of the body than those where the main procedure is taking place. This most often happens with children and young people up to the age of 25. Such extra secret examinations are most often directed to the pelvic area and stomach region, and they are most often done when the person is under general anesthesia for a procedure in the upper body, like tonsillectomy, dental work, small plastic surgeries, wisdom teeth removal and ear tube insertion.

Often the secret examinations seem to be the main purpose of bringing the young person under anesthesia, and the non-secret procedure is arranged mainly to have a pretence to put the young person to sleep. In the same societies there is a growing tendency to use general anesthesia for procedures on young persons when discomfort and pain can as easily or more easily be avoided with simpler methods, probably because deep anesthesia makes it more easy to perform additional exams or procedures without the patient knowing about it.

The patient is usually told nothing about these extra procedures. Sometimes the parents are aware of the things been done and have agreed to it, but more often the procedure is held secret to both the young person and the parents. When the patient ask about the reason for symptoms caused by such secret ordeals, they are usually given some dummy explanation that sounds unreal, or the staff admits to a small part of the secret ordeal, but not the whole of it.


Usually more than one secret procedures are performed under the same session. The most common procedures seem to be:

– Inspection of the urethra, bladder and sometimes the channels up into the kidneys with an optical scope.

– Endoscopic inspection of the vagina and sometimes the inside of the uterus in girls and young women.

– Inspection of the vagina using a speculum.

– Endoscopic examination of the anus, lower colon or entire colon.

– Inspection of the abdominal cavity through an opening made in the navel or just under the navel.

– External ultrasound exam of the lower stomach and the genitals.

– Ultrasound exam of the pelvic region with a sond inserted into the vagina or anus.

– Examination of the upper digestive tract with an optical scope inserted through the mouth.

– Examination of the joint with ultrasound probes and x-ray imaging.

During the endoscopic inspection samples of tissue, secretion and microbial flora is commonly taken.


Generally the staff that performs these secret procedures, try to do them as cautiously as possible to avoid symptoms afterwards. But the procedures themselves or arrangements will inevitably leave some symptoms and cause some observations that indicate some untold ordeal. The most common of these are:

– The patient have to clean out the content of his stomach with laxatives or other means for procedures where this normally is not necessary.

– The young person is unexpectedly called in for some small surgery that they did not know they needed, and observes that the same happens with classmates and friends. But since the surgery usually is of a very common kind, the patient think this is something commonly needed and do not make further questions about the reason.

– Staff other than that expected to perform and help during the primary non-secret surgery are present and show their interest during the hospital stay.

– The time to wake up after the surgery is substantially longer than expected.

– When the patient wakes up he has unexpected catheters, tubes or wires going in through body openings. Often these are hastedly taken out during the process of waking up.

– After the surgery there is pain, small injuries, bleeding or rest of lubrication in body openings that are not object for the primary surgery. Usually these symptoms are observed in the urethra, vagina or anus.

– The navel or the area just beneath is sore and plastered, as if an opening have been made there.

– There are unexpected stitch-marks or plastered areas appear on the belly, the kidney zone, the head or the chest.

– There is pain and distress in and around the shoulder joints and hip joints, as if arms and legs have been widely spread and held in a spread and stretched position a long time.

– The staff is suspiciously eager to examine other body areas than those subjected to the non-secret procedures. Most often the area of extra attention is the pelvic zone.


Often the instances requiring secret medical exams done on young persons are authorities of various kind, like child protective agencies, police, community health authorities, the school a child attends, research institutes or military authorities. Sometimes parents or guardians are those asking for the procedures to be done, and sometimes the procedure has been recommended by the family doctor or pediatrician.

The staff prefer doing the examinations under disguise of some other procedure, because they think that knowledge about these highly intimate and intrusive exams would harm the child or the parents psychologically, bring protests from the parents or the child, make stories circulate, or the knowledge could cause the staff to be accused of sexual abuse.

Actual purposes for doing such exams are:

– The patient is used for practical training in endoscopic procedures for medical students and doctors under specialization.

– Authorities perform general surveillance of the health status of the young population in the society.

– One search for presence of specific microbes in the bodies of the young population.

– Authorities are secretly mapping evidence of sexual activities in the young population.

– Research projects are going on, especially projects regarding growth and physical development of children and adolescents.

– Health institutions harvest tissue, especially stem cells to be used for research and in treatment of other patients.

– One investigates symptoms of possible disease in a young person.

– Child protection agencies or other authorities suspect parents or other near persons to subject the child for sexual abuse, physical abuse or neglect of needs, and want to investigate without neither the parents, nor the child to know.

– Authorities secretly places electronic chips in the body of young persons to be able to follow the whereabouts and physiological parameters in the person by wireless transmission.

Some societies seem to do mandatory or recommended endoscopic exams through body opening of children and teens at specific age levels as a kind of comprehensive physical screening. One prefers however not to let the young person know about it, and disguise it by doing it in the same session as some other non-secret surgery under anesthesia.