Sell PDF Files Online – Selling Documents and Downloads With PayPal

Sell PDF Files Online – Selling Documents and Downloads With PayPal

Selling PDF files/documents on the internet through PayPal:

“I want to start selling PDF files online but I don’t know where to begin.”

“I don’t want to have to keep paying someone else to continue selling PDF files for me.”

“What do I need to do to start selling PDF files from my website?”

Do you have questions like these concerning PDFs? Have these questions and thoughts been roaming through your mind for quite some time?

If so, consider yourself lucky for coming across this article. I’ll tell you what you need to do to begin selling PDF files (or any other file for that matter) from your own website.

While there are other ways to start selling PDF files, I strongly suggest you have a few things in order first before beginning. If you’re serious about making money from the PDF document(s) that you’re trying to sell, these things are extremely important.

To appear professional and actually attract customers that will buy your PDF files, you must ensure that you do the following:

1. Get your own website (purchase a domain name and a UNIX webhosting from

2. Set up your website (a page on the web/internet where you can describe your PDF documents for customers to find).

3. Set up a Business Account at (this is the trusted payment system that will process payments made for your PDF documents).

4. Purchase a onetime PHP Code (this is the main ENGINE that will sell your PDFs for you).

Numbers 1, 2 and 3 are the very first things you MUST have completed in order to begin to sell PDF documents online. You may already have completed Steps 1 and 3, which is even better. But make sure steps 1 through 3 are done before you proceed to step 4.

It is important you resist the temptation to be cheap here. Don’t set up a lazy blog and use that for a website. Don’t do it! You must purchase a real website for your PDF documents. Selling PDF files online can be a very lucrative business if you choose to take it seriously.

Once the top three steps from above are in order, all you need to do now is to purchase a PHP code. What that code will do for you is this:

Each time a customer clicks on the “Buy Now” or “Purchase Now” link on your website to purchase your pdf product, PayPal will process their payment. And once payment completes successfully, PayPal will redirect the customer to the PHP code and that PHP code will make your PDF document available for the customer to immediately download.

After customer downloads your PDF document, a notification email will be sent to you (the site administrator) informing you about the PDF file download. This way, you have a record of EVERY single PDF download that is initiated by your customers.