Sex in a Cessna, Part II

Sex in a Cessna, Part II

Sex in a Cessna or any light plane can be exhilarating and since your flight instructor never trained you how to do this you will need to read all of this several part series of articles, we do not want you screwing things up so to speak. In part one, we explained the need for a practice area and separation between other aircraft, staying out of flight path of other aircraft and setting the aircraft up in level flight.

Remember to be well away from restricted areas such as Washington DC. I cannot say for sure what those guys in the Cessna 150 thought they were doing, but they must have had their heads up their butts. Flying into restricted airspace is no place you want to be caught with your pants down, for sure. They are lucky they did not get their asses shot out of the sky by an F-16 rolling in on them a TAS of 500 Kts. So be careful to have enough room to finish you mission when having sex in a Cessna.

Now then you have the seat all the way back and you have it locked in place. Your female counterpart should also have disrobed. Now you will have to choose your sexual positions. There are many possibilities, so choose which one you wish to do first. It is awkward to try to switch positions so it is better to finish up one position before setting up for another. If you are going to do multiple different positions then you might wish to turn the aircraft around and go the other way. Also change altitudes so you are going the right direction for the altitude you are at.

It is best to have a wipe up towel handy, a sex towel is important. Please do not throw it out the side window when completed, we have enough litter in the world. Besides if it lands in someone’s back yard, they are going to be able to tell what it was used for and that is just not right. If you are in a rented aircraft check the seat tracks before going up, some of the pegs in the seat mechanisms do not work right and will not stay locked in place while you are getting into it.

If you are on the bottom and the female counter part is on top you will want to put the seat up about 30 degrees so you can still see out of the plane. Be careful not to hit your knees or feet on the yoke as you could change the direction of flight. If you are in a rented aircraft, which does not have an autopilot you can fly with your feet to a limited degree. If this is the case then you might wish to try this a few times before attempting sex in a Cessna.

End of Part II