Sexy Is A Lifestyle

Sexy Is A Lifestyle

How to Be Sexy

Being Sexy is not an easy task. It takes a great deal of dedication to your body, your clothing selection, and your attitude. When a woman has all these elements working together she can be confident that sexy will shine through with little effort. A sexy woman exudes a personality of confidence, power, and control in her life. She will never seek approval of others because she looks great and knows it. So how does one achieve being sexy? What is sexy? Who determines what constitutes sexy? We will discuss the concept of sexy and how it is achieved.

A Sexy Body

A sexy body is one that is proportioned to the individual. This does not mean that a woman measuring 36-24-36 has the perfect body. This is clearly a myth as each person’s ability to look great is defined by another person’s taste in beauty and style. We are all different and each of us has the ability to be sexy. There is someone for all of us; it is up to each person to define themselves and be comfortable in their own skin.

Show Enough to Stimulate the Imagination

How is sexy defined? This depends on best features and how they are used. Each of us has a self imagine which must agree with the real image. This means that the way an individual sees themselves agrees with how other see them. In order for a woman to take advantage of her best features she must correctly define herself image and know that others agree. Once this has been clearly defined a woman can accentuate those features and bring attention to them in a sexy way. Can you remember a time when you saw another person and in your mind they really looked hot? What was it that made that individual stand out? You probably didn’t know it, but that person took advantage of their body assets and used them to make a statement. That’s what caused your imagination to take over. You wanted more! A sexy dress, sexy sets, lingerie, or a gown that shows a person’s sexy assets is all it takes in the clothing line. If you wear baggy poorly fitting clothing that do nothing to show off those sexy features you will definitely get an opposite reaction. Do you agree?

Red and Black Sexy Clothing

So many women use the sexy black dress because it makes them appear thinner than they might be. However, if a person has very light skin they might look pale in black. As a result it might not be a good choice for a redhead with very light skin. You can see that in your mind can’t you? On the other hand, a woman of color would look so sexy in a white dress. You can see that in your imagination as well? How about the woman in a sexy red dress? Is red the color of romance or the color of famine threat to girl friends. Dress selection should be complementary to your features and nothing more. Find those favorable features and use the dress to show those feature off in a positive way.

What To Know About Makeup

All women want to be beautiful, and countless hours are spent on this endeavor. Many simply make too many mistakes in the application of their makeup and don’t know it. For example, Bright red lipstick is not for everyone. In fact, many studies suggest that soft pinks and natural color will have a bigger impact. One key factor when deciding on your lipstick should be skin tone. For example, light shades of red should be used by women who have pale skin. Women who have medium skin tones should consider pinks and brown undertones. Finally, dark skin tones should consider wine-colored pinks. Using the wrong colored eyeliner is a mistake often made, yet most of the ladies don’t realize it and no one tells them because they don’t want to hurt the woman’s feelings. Black eyeliner is too harsh for dark skin tones. Light brown for light to medium skin tones are great. Wearing too much of a bronzer on your face is another mistake. When applied correctly, the application of the bronzer should simulate the number three on both sides of your face. These are but a few examples of things to consider.

Sexy Heels Can Complete Any Outfit

Women’s shoes are a staple in closest across the country. They are not simply an accessory to footwear but are a key element to a women’s confidence. Especially sexy are the high heels which are made in variety of sizes, heel heights, and color to fit any personality. The heel improves on a women’s posture and make sexy stocking stand out. Wearing sexy shoes allows a woman to express herself without crossing social barriers. Conservatism can be left at the door so to speak. Women can express her artistic side and sensuality depending on the shoe selection. Finally, men like to see a lady wearing a sexy shoe. So shoes are an easy item to bring out the sexy side.

Final Thoughts

There are many ways a woman can feel sexy. Being sexy is not all about how a woman looks, rather how she portrays herself as an individual. Confidence is a very large part of sexy. With the right combinations a woman is guaranteed to display herself in an envious position around other women and she will be positively noticed. Finally, good health and exercise will keep a woman looking great and provides a great life style well into the golden years. All ages can be sexy; it just takes a little effort.