Should I Quit Weed Cold-Turkey Or Cut Down Gradually?

Should I Quit Weed Cold-Turkey Or Cut Down Gradually?

A common question people often ask when they first quit weed, is “Should I quit weed cold turkey or cut down slowly?”

Look at it this way; the two contrasting options when quitting weed are obvious:

  • Stop smoking weed cold turkey
  • Stop smoking weed slowly or cut down gradually

Each has advantages, however one of them is clearly the right way to go about quitting weed. Let’s look at both strategies to determine which one will cause you the least discomfort in your efforts to quit.

Quitting Weed Cold Turkey

To stop smoking weed cold turkey means that one day you simply stop, and never look back. The plan is to never smoke again and people are satisfied to take on all withdrawals at once, knowing that it is only going to be once.

Like they say: Do it one time, and do it properly.

It is very easy to plan to quit cold turkey, although you need to make a plan for the onset of withdrawals and decreased stress tolerance. You may not be the nicest person in this time.

  • PROS: Less planning
  • CONS: More stressful (if you don’t know what you are doing!)

Quitting Marijuana Gradually

To slowly cut back is the opposite. You hope to experience more bearable withdrawals for a longer time, this way the hurdle of quitting altogether seems lowered and you have more chance of success in the long run – that’s the thinking behind it anyway.

  • PROS: More planning and discipline
  • CONS: Less stressful, although it may not work

Which Method Works For Often For More People?

Although different people employ different strategies to cope with marijuana addiction, the fact is that one of these ways works far more often than the other – on almost every person.

Believe it or not, when it comes to stopping a marijuana addiction, cold turkey is the answer.

Cold turkey is definite. There is not a lot to contemplate after you have passed your ‘quitting date’.

Quitting gradually may seem easier at the beginning (obviously – you haven’t even quit yet) but many people fail in the long run when they try this tactic. It’s almost a trap!

Don’t cigarette smokers cut back slowly to help them quit?

Yes they do, although it would be wise of you not compare a marijuana addiction to a nicotine addiction. Chemicals in nicotine are purely physical addictions, fueling a physical need in the consumer.

Marijuana’s strength and cravings lie mainly in the psychological addictions it creates in users. This will keep you coming back to weed, and this is what you will need to deal with primarily in order to quit. Do yourself a good deed, quit weed cold turkey.