Should Public Officials Be Held, To A Higher Standard?

Should Public Officials Be Held, To A Higher Standard?

The integrity, ethics, and character of those, we elect, to serve and represent us (especially to higher offices, such as President, Vice President, Senator, Governor, Congressman, etc), should not be, merely a partisan, issue, but rather, considered, a central characteristic, and necessity, of holding office! We learn, so much about any individual, by closely examining, how they react, when faced with a choice, between doing the right thing, and the expedient one. Robert Frost wrote about the choices, we take, when we reach a fork in the road, and every real leader, faces obstacles, and must remain committed to putting the best interests of his constituents, and the principles of the United States Constitution, ahead of any personal/ political agenda, and/ or, self – interest. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, whether we should, consistently demand more from these individuals, and, thus, hold them, to a higher standard.

1. What the known findings of the Mueller Report, should tell us: Regardless of the politics, and/ or, political spin, this investigation began with a concern, for whether a foreign nation, Russia, interfered, or attempted to interfere, with the legitimacy of our Presidential elections, in November 2016. It seems, our intelligence agencies, were concerned, when they received information, from several sources, of what appeared to be an attempt, by Russia, to interfere, and contact, certain member of Donald Trump’s campaign staff. Although the President and his political cronies, preferred to look at this, very narrowly, in terms of whether, there was collusion, the reality is, from a strictly legal perspective, that is nearly impossible to prove, because how can, one do so, without being able to read minds, and, therefore, understand intent! Mr. Trump’s attorney, legal team, and supporters, have framed this, in terms of being able to prosecute, but, since the Department of Justice policy, is, a sitting President can’t be indicted, this was a fore – done conclusion. Should it, be, okay, for our officials, to attempt to obstruct, even if they were, less than successful? Is it acceptable, for this President, to refuse to submit his tax returns, although, every President, since Nixon, have done so? Are we satisfied, President Trump, has lied or told misstatements, at an alarming rate of approximately ten times, per day? Should it be allowed to have apparent conflicts, even if they don’t interfere? This should not be about politics, but, rather, seeking a meeting – of – the – minds, for the common good!

2. Who benefits, and who should?: When the Congress passed, and the President signed into law, tax reform legislation, in 2017, the President and his Republican cronies, promoted it, as benefiting the middle class. However, most experts have discovered, and proclaimed, the key beneficiaries are the wealthiest individuals, and largest corporations. If middle class taxpayers, benefited, at all, it was somewhat minor, and, if people itemized, and lived in high – SALT states, they often paid, considerably higher taxes.

3. The Wall: When Trump campaigned for President, he introduced the idea of a Southern Wall, and proclaimed, Mexico would pay for it. Not only, will Mexico not pay, but, security experts, state, this method, is an ineffective, inefficient, very costly approach. President Trump continues using the Wall, as a symbol, of what many considered a prejudice – oriented, fear – stoking, symbol. rather than seeking viable solutions, for the best interests of our nations, and citizens.

Wake up, America, and realize, empty rhetoric/ vitriol, and promises, is far different from what we need, which is striving for a meeting – of – the – minds, for the common good! Will you demand more from your public officials?