Sian Ka’an – Mexico’s Pandora

Sian Ka’an – Mexico’s Pandora

There’s an exquisite, gorgeous, fantastic spot down in Mexico, on its Caribbean coast. Bet you never heard of it – unless you happen to be or know of one of the not-so-many thousands of tourists who have visited since it was established by decree of then-Mexico President Miguel de la Madrid Hurtado, January 20th 1986 as part of UNESCO’s “Man and the Biosphere” (MAB) Program.

Guess you could call Sian Ka’an a Heaven on Earth. It’s real name sounds kind of unreal, like the place: it’s known as “Sian Ka’an” Mayan for “where the sky is born” or “gift from the sky.” No, we don’t speak Mayan, and Yes, you can get there from here, although it sounds like a sci-fi fantasy, with a name that might pass for Klingon if you don’t speak Mayan.

Sian Ka’an comprises about 1.3 million acres considered unique for their geography and wetlands, which featuring a couple thousand human inhabitants, and hundreds of known bird and mammal species, in a setting so unique and exotically strange it belongs more in the virtual world of Avatar.

There is a whopping charge of $4 (USD) as a fee entrance to the Reserve per person per day, so we can understand why you may be reluctant to spend that kind of money just to visit what sounds like a Heaven on Earth (yes, we’re kidding). You really should visit this land that will quickly remind you of Avatar’s Pandora, and lend your support to the local economy, which relies on tourism and fishing for income.