Sir Walter Weed Killer

Sir Walter Weed Killer

Sir Walter Weed Killer is another name given to the product “Sir Walter Weed Control”.

Sir Walter Weed Control is a Selective Herbicide product that targets different weeds (including bindii, clover, oxalis, dandelions and other broadleaf weeds) in buffalo grass and other lawns. The active constituents that make up this product include Bromoxynil and MCPA.

The actual label name for this product is “Amgrow Sir Walter Buffalo Weed Control”. Sir Walter, in a joint venture with Amgrow, has produced a selective herbicide that (according to the label) is a safe and effective herbicide to target broadleaf weeds in buffalo and other grasses.

In our experience in the Lawn Care industry, we have found that this herbicide works well in controlling these weeds in Sir Walter Buffalo turf.

However, we must remind ourselves that (in the Australian market) there are around 10-12 different Buffalo (Stenotaphrum secundatum), and of these 10-12 there 3 varieties that have a low tolerance to this herbicide. These 3 Buffalo varieties include ST26, ST85 and ST91 Buffalo (or St Augustine, as it is referred to in North America).

Wintergrass weeds (Poa annua) can be selectively removed from Buffalo turf using the post emergent herbicide “Chemspray Winter Grass Killer”. The active constituent for this product is Endothal.

The only herbicide products available to the retail sector (for the post-emergent control of weeds in Buffalo turf) include the above products or similar ones with the same active constituents.

There are many more products available to professional lawn care operators and green keepers that can achieve a more superior outcome.