Skateboarding Trick Tips – How to Do a Kick Turn

Skateboarding Trick Tips – How to Do a Kick Turn

Step 1. You can practice this speed stationary or while moving. I recommend while first learning this to practice the turn stationary. This is because beginners tend to have trouble keeping balance on a skateboard and if you fall while moving you have a much higher chance of getting injured

Step 2. Place your back foot on the tail of the board. And your front foot some where between the middle of the board and the front bolts. Then bend your knees.

Step 3. Apply pressure to the back of your board so the front of your board comes off the ground but not to the point where the tail of the board is touching the ground.

Step 4. Then use your front foot to direct the board where to go. Also you can help point yourself in the direction you want to go by point your shoulders in that direction.

Step 5. Once your done your turn apply pressure to the front of your board so it goes back on the ground. Do this softly so you don’t risk falling off the board.


The kick turn is vital to skateboarding. It will allow you to be more flexible while riding your board.

My Big Tip:

My biggest tip for a kick turn is to bend your knees. This will allow you to have good balance while performing the turn.

Trouble Shooting:

Question: When I try to kick turn the board slip forward from underneath me.

Answer: To solve this simply lean forward more.