Songkran Thailand

Songkran Thailand

All countries celebrated different feast and festivities that we inherit from our ancestors. In Thailand, one of the most populous and famous festivities is Songkran Festival. This festivity originally brought on the Northern part of Thailand by the Burmese. It is also practice in the countries in the North for instance Burma, Vietnam, Lao State and more. Songkran comes from the Sanskrit word “Samkranti” (astrological passage) which means “a move or change”.

Songkran Thailand is celebrated for 3 consecutive days and nights starting from April 13 up to 15. It is one of the longest holidays in Thailand. It has similarity in one of the festivity in India known as Holi. You’ll be dumbfounded on how Thai commemorate this once a year event. The preparation is indeed overwhelming!

Before the actual start date of Songkran, Thai people especially the housewives were busy cleaning their house. All the rubbish in the house must strictly removed. They have this belief that it might bring them bad luck if they keep junk inside their house. Not only that, all Buddha images must be carefully washed with scented water so that good fortune will truly on their way ahead.

Compared with other festivities that are celebrated in Thailand, Songkran is said to be the best! It focuses not on the earthly enjoyment but rather on the spiritual happiness. In fact, during this time traditionalists and religious extremists give their time to visit the Buddhist Monasteries to do devotional prayer. They also offer alms to the monks and feed them during this event. Thai also build chedis or the sand pyramid that is festooned with colorful designs like flowers and flag lets.

Songkran Thailand will never be complete without the Water Battle. For some tourists it is merely throwing water, but to those who understand the meaning of this event it is one way of rejuvenating and cleansing. Since Songkran is known as Thai’s New Year, they should renew and cleanse their body, heart and mind for them to receive the overflowing graces for the whole year. For Thais, bad luck is never an option!