Speed Reading Video – How to Read a Book Fast

Speed Reading Video – How to Read a Book Fast

Speed reading video tutorials have become one of the best materials for rapid reading. This is a bit convenient compared to other instructional materials because you get to see the person giving you instructions on how to do the techniques and methods. The video teaches you to understand the text while incorporating some images. This is more comprehensible because the mind can easily recall the image compared to the texts.

Whether you use a video or an ebook, or audio instructional materials, the concept of rapid reading is not changed. You are still stuck in this question: “How to read a book fast?” Well, the techniques are very simple but you need a regular practice to master the skills in comprehension and reading. One of the things that you notice when you read a sentence is that you read everything like “the, a, and.” These are some of the words that you do not need to read. But make sure that you do not ignore the words like “not and no” because they entail different meaning.

Do you know that a person can actually read 350-500 words in every minute? This is because they are able to practice and develop their skills in reading. You also have to give credits to these people because they can read with comprehension. You may think that this is impossible but it is not as long as you are able to make use of suggested methods and strategies when you read.

One of the things that you have to learn is to read using the letters “a, e, i, o, and u.” Instead of reading the words on the text, reading them as “a e i o u” repeatedly until the you are done with the whole paragraph. This is a bit difficult at first but with constant practice, you will know that reading the words using the vowels will increase your speed in reading. The speed reading video also portrays how you should read a text using the vowels. It is much like of a reading a poem with a tone.

You also have to stop rereading. You do have to put everything in your mind. It means that you are not expected to read everything. Once is enough. There are lots of information and ideas that you can find on the text that you read. So do not have to pressure yourself to reread those paragraphs that you missed.

You also have to skim the whole text before you start reading. It means you get the over view of the whole text. If you are asked to read a book, you can take a look at the table of contents and see if there are chapters in the book that will provide you with some answers. If there is none, then pick another book.

It is also helpful if you time your reading. Every time you read something, try to do this so that you will be able to know if there is a progress in your skill. Then try to answer the set of questions at the end of every text you are reading to test your comprehension skills.

The speed reading video and other instructional materials have all these techniques and methods so whether you choose any of these materials, you will still be able to get the right applications.