Spiritual Maturity Part II

Spiritual Maturity Part II

When we are helping others; we are offering up spiritual sacrifices. Each and every person is a living spirit, we all do good things to help those who are unable to help themselves at certain times. It is the spirit in a man or woman that’s moved with compassion to assist others when needed.

The good deeds we do for one another are by no means an entrance into heaven. The only way to heaven is by faith through the person of Jesus Christ. John 14:6. For those of us who are familiar with the Bible; all Jesus did were good deeds while serving others. He humbled himself and voluntarily gave up his own earthly life, so that you and I can be freely forgiven for every unjust deed or sins we would ever commit in this life.

Most people in general has a good in them to want to do the right thing. The sacrifices made on behalf of others are eventually beneficial to the giver. It is more blessed to give than to receive. Each of us can give a word of encouragement and show acts of kindness. Fruitfulness and fellowship is what it is all about as we grow as a person, no matter if you are a Christian believer or not. However, living in a world influenced by greed, injustices, prejudice, and many other acts of evil; it takes faith and love to rise above what we see and hear.

Things will become worse and worse and this is why we have been told according to scriptures to watch and to be ready. Signs are visible today: earthquakes, floods, windstorms, climate change due to global warming, wildfires and other natural disasters. These are all spiritual signs with physical repercussions of what is to come. There is no such thing as the world getting better collectively. When will our spiritual eyes finally be opened? We will continue to see more acts of evil.

The only way to grow spiritually is to spend time with the Lord; through Bible study and getting to know Him personally for yourself. As we grow each of us should become sensitive to sin; meaning we should not be comfortable doing things we know are contrary to what the commandments teach in the scriptures. Overall, the more time you and I spend in the Word; the deeper our relationship will be with the Lord; which should produce Christ-like behavior. Our acts of giving by helping others, resistance to worldly influences, living in harmony with others and being used by the Master are signs of maturity.

True signs are how we treat one another, not just those to whom we may have a friendship or relationship with, but those who may not believe the same way we do when it comes to our faith. The one spiritual gift that will last forever is love. Love shown by deeds to your brother, sister, daughter and mother; shows signs of maturity. Where is your spiritual appetite?