Standard Soccer Field Size

Standard Soccer Field Size

The Soccer Field size is composed of standard pitch measurements. There are pitches that vary with their sizes. The length and width of soccer fields vary depending on the age group that plays in the field. Don’t be surprised if you play at different soccer fields and find them different from each other because there are corresponding sizes that best fits the age group or type of play or tournament that accordingly plays on it. One constant rule about all soccer fields though is that it must be rectangular.

Of course, there is a more concise and more specific size with regards to international tournaments. The dimensions of these fields conform to the rules and regulations composed by FIFA. FIFA is the governing body who controls and regulates all the international soccer tournaments especially the World Cup. The standard size of the FIFA soccer field is stated in the following sentence. The length of the field ranges from 100-110 meters of 110-120 yards and its width ranges from 64-75 meters or 70-80 yards.

For fields that host non-international games, its length may range from 91-120 meters or 100-130 yards and its width from 45-91 meters or 50-101 yards. It is important to note that the pitch must never be square in appearance. Soccer field size constitutes one aspect of the challenge of the game. Its area creates the level of competitiveness and serves as the challenge for players participating in a match. The football pitch is the area where the game is exactly played and the main area for all the in-game activities. The usual surface of the field is made out of turf.