StarCraft 2 Walkthrough – Want All The Single Player Achievements?

StarCraft 2 Walkthrough – Want All The Single Player Achievements?

Every single player game needs a walkthrough. This is because they tend to get difficult at times and it’s just not worth wasting time to finish on your own. It is only natural that there is a StarCraft 2 walkthrough as well. But there is a difference between StarCraft 2 and any other single player game out there.

The obvious difference would be that with StarCraft 2, you can also play online. Which is what everyone is after since there is a very good and addictive ladder system. Making your way up the ranks is what everyone aims for.

But let’s get back to the StarCraft 2 walkthrough. You don’t need one to play multiplayer. But you do need one if you want to unlock all the achievements from the campaign missions.

After I finished the campaign, on normal mode, I didn’t get many achievements. Just the ones you get when you finish a mission. The reason for this being that I didn’t know what to do in order to get an achievement.

I am also a WoW player and I know the importance of achievements. They let people know that you’ve mastered the game and that you are a dedicated player. In StarCraft 2, you also get all sorts of rewards for unlocking them.

So that is two reasons to make sure that you complete each mission on every difficulty level in order to receive all of the achievements.

I could barely finish the time based ones on normal, not alone hard or brutal. So I started looking for a StarCraft 2 walkthrough to make sure that I would know how to finish each mission and also receive most or all of the achievements in every one of them.

The walkthrough was very good. I knew exactly what I needed to do to unlock the achievements. Most of them require you to prevent a certain amount of damage to be delivered to an objective or to finish a mission a set amount of time, even if the mission is not time based.

Knowing all of this and also how to finish the missions the best way, I was able to unlock everything relatively fast. It was all a matter of reading about a mission in advance from the StarCraft 2 walkthrough and then doing.

People can now see that I’ve done every possible achievement in the single player mode and call me a hardcore player. All I did was take the comfortable option to use a StarCraft 2 walkthrough.