Start Praising God For The Financial Blessing That’s Coming To You

Start Praising God For The Financial Blessing That’s Coming To You

Open your Bible to James 1:17 it says… Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. Go ahead and highlight that scripture.

When you begin thanking God ahead of time, it opens the spiritual door for Him to begin moving in your life. You magnify God as your Provider! God is always working. You may not be able to see it, but He usually works in secret. God can be depended on! Jesus is always present where there is faith! God is the Rewarder of those who earnestly and diligently seek Him out.

If you read through the Bible you will be amazed at how important it is to God that He be recognized and remembered for what He does. God is the Giver of many different kinds of financial blessings. When you make room for Him through praise, He comes in and takes over! Your praise is what attracts God to you!

You should live in a constant state of expectancy to receive from God. Always looking to the Father God everyday of your life. Are you expecting God to do greater things than He has ever done? It makes God happy to see you blessed and prosperous because you are His child. Even when you can’t see it, you believe it. Start praising God for the financial blessing that’s coming to you.

You do not operate or live your life according to the system of this world. You operate according to the system of the Word of God. Prospering in God is a lifestyle of doing the Word. You must conceive it on the inside first. Your heavenly Father has the exact financial blessing you need. But, remember the wrong attitude will keep you from receiving the good things God wants to pour into your life.

You have to start believing it, seeing it, and speaking it. You can’t keep thinking negative, defeated limiting thoughts. Start making room in your thinking for what God has in store for you. You may be struggling financially, but this is the time to start praising God before you see anything.

It can become a reality in your life because of a personal, loving relationship with Jesus. He is not limited by what you don’t have. Jesus can bless your life, if you will simply stop limiting Him in your thinking. When you commit your life to Him, He will take care of all that concerns you.

Stay in an atmosphere of victory because some people around you will try to discourage you. Set your spiritual eyes on what the Word says. A financial blessing is a good gift from the Heavenly Father. This is not a small thing that I’m teaching! The most important thing is to believe God! Make this one thing your number one priority!

Start praising God for the financial blessing that’s coming to you! God wants to reveal His goodness to you! When you look to Him, He will be everything you need. Receive from Him when you go to His Word. It’s the light of the Gospel that shines on you. The Holy Spirit does this for you, putting the spotlight on Truth. Now, raise your hands and say, “My financial blessing comes from The Father God!”