Stress – Depression – Insomnia

Stress – Depression – Insomnia

There is no health without mental emotional health. Depression is a mental disease, triggered by a tragedy or trauma, whether it is physical, social, financial or other. The individual has been thrown out of their routine of what they expect, what they expect from life.

If you were to lose an arm in an accident you would have to cope, to relearn your skills, to balance your life without this one limb. And so you would not have an expectation of living life as you had, and the differences would come into play as depression. However, it is not so much what happens to you, but how you interpret what happens to you, that's the major cause of depression.

The development of depression is dependent also against the latent genetic predisposition for depression, oftentimes is latent, not active, and does not come into play until some trauma causes it to come to the forefront of your life. Serious social and interpersonal stress can bring this on as well.

Looking at statistics and trends, it is not difficult to realize that there is no cure or effective treatment to stop this. The real tragedy is the lack of effective available treatments, with many people led to believe that depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain and the pills will do the trick.

All the drugs and natural therapies fail to heal deep mental emotional conditions because with this particular type of diseases we do not deal with physical level but with highly energetic / vibrational entities: mind and emotions. If you still believe that your mind is the brain and your emotions stay in the heart, it's your choice.

No physical remedy or herb can have a major impact on these fields, unless they are vibrational in nature as well. And these are the homeopathic remedies. They are designed and made in a special way by diluting and energizing hundreds and thousands of times, until there is nothing left from the original substance, only the energetic imprint.

Classical homeopathy works on one-on-one manner, where the homeopath is a matchmaker between the patient symptoms and the remedy characteristics. This is a difficult and laborious task and only very skilled homeopaths can do it right. However, there is another approach where one remedy fits all, used in epidemics. This is the approach we use for our homeopathic formula called SDI (Stress – Depression – Insomnia).

SDI has three main homeopathic components:

• The first one is balancing the trio: Mind – Emotions – Body
• The second, deals with respiratory system, there is a direct link between our respiratory system and our emotional equilibrium
• The third one deals with your heart which is most affected by mental emotional stress (no wonder heart diseases are number one worldwide)

SDI is also useful for those who do not have mental emotional problems as it takes you to another level of wellbeing, balance and focus. Yoga practitioners, students during exams, sportsmen before stressful events or people overloaded with responsibilities can benefit by using SDI. As one of our clients said: "It is for the first time in my life when I feel that life is worth living".

We are so confident about the new remedy that we are willing to challenge in a clinical trial every similar product on the market today. This is not marketing strategy, this is a breakthrough treatment in a field where there are not many real options to choose from.