Stuck – Stand Still For Humanity

Stuck – Stand Still For Humanity

It has been said that we are advancing as a human race. Are we really advancing? Technology advancement yes. Is the human race as a whole advancing or not? Advancing means to be ‘moving’, yet why is it we still hear from people that it is a lonely world?  The world is technologically advance to allow humanity to come to a stand still, stuck.

Humanity as a race has stopped it ‘race’, they have become complacent in all that they do, they live in fear of moving.  No risk, in life, no exploration instinct but ‘comfort’, fear ruled their lives because they no longer moves, they spend time ‘accumulating and protecting’ their accumulation, they take to accumulate more and fear that they loose their accumulation of things to feel good to surround themselves in.

The tendency to accumulate is a sign that there is a ‘preference’ to stand still than to move.  Stand still and protect instead of Move and grow to learn.  The technological advances have created ‘stuck’ state for humanity that prevented themselves to move and grow.  When one wants to move, they find it hard because of their accumulations, their friends who are also stuck in their comfort zones, in fear they remain with their friends, stuck, instead of move ahead and grow.

We are advance in technology, yet our ability has dropped with more rigidity and less flexibility.  People are far less mobile though it is said that we are more mobile now than ever before, yet, they do not grow as humans, they grow in technology, humanity as a whole is stuck, a handful is moving, leading with technology that made humans stuck in where they are and stay where they are.  It is worth while to notice the situation so that we can get a ‘balance’ to accommodate the technology advancement and utilizing the technology, humans can grow more mobile and discover more of life instead of being stuck.