Studying Osteopathy in London

Studying Osteopathy in London

If you are thinking of studying osteopathy in London, this article aims to get you started. There are three main schools of osteopathy in London. These are the British School of Osteopathy, The British College of Osteopathic Medicine and the London School of Osteopathy. Each school has a slightly different curriculum and each has its advantages and disadvantages. They will all suit different people best.

The British School of Osteopathy is the oldest school of Osteopathy in Europe. It was founded by John Martin Littlejohn, a former student of Andrew Taylor Still and ex dean of Still’s American School of Osteopathy. It is situated in Borough, a short walk from trendy Southwark and Borough Market. The BSO boasts the biggest clinic of all the UK osteopathy schools and an active research department. It is a lively institution with a student osteopathic society to complement its busy curriculum. The BSO offers a four year full-time Masters in Osteopathy course.

The British College of Osteopathic Medicine used to be called the British College of Naturopathy and Osteopathy. True to its history, BCOM still provides students with a grounding in naturopathy and nutritional approaches to healthcare. It also has a lively clinic and an active research department. It is located on Finchley Road in North West London. BCOM also offers a four year Masters in Osteopathy degree.

The London School of Osteopathy has been training osteopaths since 1993. The LSO is based in East London, near trendy Brick Lane. It offers a five year part-time course and prides itself on its intimate atmosphere, with much smaller class sizes than the other London schools. It also has a training clinic and research is an important part of the course. It too offers a Master of Osteopathy degree.

All three schools offer General Osteopathic Council recognised qualifications that will allow successful students to enter the UK Register of Osteopaths on completing the course. Which school is best for you will depend on where in London you are based as well as your particular interests and the kind of learning experience you prefer. They all offer open days, so make sure you check them all out so you can see which one best suits you.