Summoning the Magic Inside by Becoming a Warlock in World of Warcraft

Summoning the Magic Inside by Becoming a Warlock in World of Warcraft

Like it or not, Warlocks rule! They belong to one of the most magical classes of beings in World of Warcraft. Warlocks are an ancient class which have mastered the dark arts of flame, shadow, and demonic energy. One reason why so many players choose this class is the ability to plague their enemies with curse and disease, lightning and natural disaster. Warlocks can also invoke demons to aid them in battle. They are a significant part of any combat-based raid because they add special talents intangible to Warriors, Rogues and other combat type classes of characters.

If you happen to be a Warlock, get yourself a guide, some useful advice, and prepare to dominate Azeroth. If you’re on the receiving end of the blows, prepare to be cursed, paralyzed, and face other maladies which will halt your game. Or join their team. Warlocks, besides doing the most damage, can also do the most healing. Using the summoning ritual, Warlocks can summon players from any locale in the Warcraft setting-which is a helpful tool in a tricky situation.

As a Warlock, you will also be able to use magical items such as health stones which heal wounded players. They can also heal themselves. If a teammate dies, Warlocks may use the charm of the soul stone, which will bring a player back from the dead. After this, of course, any damaged gear will have to be upgraded by dropping a few bits of gold, but at least that recently deceased teammate will be alive again.

Warlocks must be careful to keep balance between themselves, their magic, and the demons they summon. As a Warlock you have to be constantly aware of the dangers of corruption-since you’re dealing with dark magical powers.