Superior Seduction Secrets – How to Seduce Women Instantly With These 2 Killer Tips

Superior Seduction Secrets – How to Seduce Women Instantly With These 2 Killer Tips

Truth be told, there are more than a few guys around who would give anything just to learn the secrets involved in picking up women. you don’t really have to do much to make yourself more appealing to women. You simply need to learn the tricks of the trade. Seduction masters have honed their pick up skills and so can you. Read on to find out how you can be more appealing to the opposite sex…

Superior Seduction Secrets – How To Seduce Women Instantly With These 2 Killer Tips

Tip #1: Shift in Your Mindset. Stand straight and proclaim to the world (or at least your mirror) that you’re an attractive man. The most debilitating thing you can do is think of yourself as unattractive. Even if some women find you attractive if your mind doesn’t think so, you’re going to be feeding your insecurities and ignoring your strengths.

Build your personality by putting yourself out there. Meet women who like you, and women who instantly turn you down. The idea is to get used to these experiences so you’ll know how to cope.

Tip #2: Don’t Hesitate to Get Sexual. Some men act sexual around women then bail out at the last minute. It’s like they expended all their energy on seduction and can’t follow through. When you learn how to seduce women, you must also learn how to follow it up. Being comfortable with your masculinity and your sexuality is the key to making women feel relaxed in your company.

A research on neuro-linguistic programming will tell you that you can use covert seduction to deepen any interaction with a woman. In particular, a covert seduction tactic called Fractionation is useful in creating an emotional roller coaster that can make women swoon with affection for you. This method involves a controversial tactic that can make a woman feel emotionally attached in just 15 minutes.