Symfony: The New Anthem For The PHP Programmers

Symfony: The New Anthem For The PHP Programmers

The PHP scripting language has been considered as one of the most useful companions for the web developers of our time. Not only has the scripting language been extensively used for state-of-the-art websites, it has also been used for crafting complex website applications which might not have been possible without the language. Throughout the last decade PHP has matured through the years into variable branches of frameworks which cater to different areas of the website development.

Symfony: Let the music begin!

We have reached that juncture when the PHP programmers have the option of choosing from a variety of frameworks including Zend, YII, CakePHP and several others. Symfony is one of the PHP based frameworks which have become popular in the domain of the developers in the recent times.

When it comes to crafting of high-end complex web sites at an affordable price Symfony becomes one of the most opted options for both the PHP programmers and the consumers. As an open source PHP framework, it has made a name in reducing the development time and the overhead. In the case of overheads, it has helped in curtailing the extra overheads when crafting the application framework.

The Symfony by itself is essentially a PHP 5 framework, which enjoys the advantage of having the best use of PHP 5 abilities. Coupled with a huge configuration overhead, this framework helps the programmers with an extensive level of code generation.

The process of the Symfony framework involves a broad usage of caching which speeds up the delivery of the content to the user. Apart from all these features, as a user you can plug components and modules into the Symfony template slots. With the layout scripts you would be able customize the template. The users also are able to get the feature of the plug-in which is compatible with any database manager. Packed with so many features, the framework raises the biggest question to us – How far is the symphony helpful for both the developers and clients alike?

The Advantages of Symfony in a Nutshell

The discussion would be dealing with the advantages of framework two specific aspects. Both advantages from the perspective of business and the benefits of the PHP developers would be discussed through the following lines of the article.

The Symfony for the Businesses

  1. When taken from the business perspective, the Symfony is considered one of the best PHP frameworks which can be used in a business scenario. If you are looking for a framework which will help you through the long-term projects being compatible with most platforms, business libraries and most methods implemented by the developer, then Symfony is the framework for you.
  2. One of the biggest advantages of Symfony is that it uses reusable and testable codes which further help the applications to get acclimatized with the changing nature of the business without taking the toll on the quality.
  3. Due to its open-source nature, the framework is heavily beneficial for the software development business as the programmer can use it without shedding a single cent. Once the developers adapts themselves with the PHP 5, they are ready to face the music.

The Symfony For The Developers

  1. One of the biggest advantages for using Symfony is the crafting of the testable codes which can be used for future benefits. The framework adheres to the Model, View, Controller (MVC) pattern as well as the strict object-oriented language for creation of testable codes which helps in saving time.
  2. One of the biggest features which Symfony has for the developers is a wide-set of command line tools. These command line tools are helpful during the project management and the development process of applications.
  3. When it is taken from the point of view of configurations, even the most amateur of the developers can tweak and tune some of the elements to run the program.
  4. Symfony gives the developer to create plug-ins to add some new feature to the framework. These adjustments can be used later in other projects.
  5. This framework has become quite renowned in the developers’ community due to its extensive cache system. When it comes to complex web application, the PHP language won’t be standing as the only solution. In this kind of scenario a web application framework like Symfony would act like magic.

By now you might have acquired the taste of the Symfony framework. If you are planning to go for a web application development project, you can always give Symfony a try. Happy Developing!