The Scoop on Gay Hip Hop

Hip hop; the epitome of hyper masculinity often characterized with images of violence, degradation of women, and hostility towards gays/lesbians. Typically embraced by young urbanites, hip-hop music has actually gained a degree of mainstream acceptance with fans spanning the demographic charts in every direction. Now a diverse offshoot of hip hop often called “homo hop” or “gay hip hop” is standing at the door of mainstream acceptance and loudly knocking. Openly gay hip hop artists must confront and overcome overt Read More

What is CPM, CPC, CPA and CTR ?

CPM CPM means Cost Per Thousand. (M is the Roman numeral for thousand – and so Cost Per Thousand). This is the amount you will pay the ad-network or website publisher to show your ad a thousand times on their website or across their ad-network. Whether your ad is shown only once to each visitor (Unique Impressions) or any number of times – is something that you will have to work out with the nad-network or the website. CPM rates Read More