Celebrity Booking Fees

Private bookings make up a nice portion of celebrity gigs these days. Private bookings can come from corporations, associations, wealthy individuals and more. Celebrities like doing these private engagements as it relieves them of having to rely on ticket sales to the general public. The gigs are also very accommodating to the celebrity from travel to meals and are usually laid back. Celebrities are often booked to celebrate an event such as a birthday, holiday party, but they are booked Read More

Stock Investing Tips For Beginners – Making Sound Investment Decisions

Much of my investment strategies are derived from fundamental investing and value investing. I adopt strategies similar to Warren Buffett not simply because he is a well known investor but because they make the most sense to me. That is the key to successful stock investing. Do not listen to anyone just because you think he is more experienced in stock investing then you are. Rather, seek to think and analyze and read more on your own before deciding which Read More