Custom Design Tool Software: Basic Features

In the high-tech world that we live in today, the trend of personalized products has been hyped to quite an extent. The growing demand of custom products has led to the emergence of rich internet Custom Design Tool Software. It is an online product designer tool, which has been designed to help amateur designers to create customized products. These advanced product designer applications are powered by the latest technologies, namely Adobe Flex, Adobe Flash, AJAX, PHP and jQuery. Such e-commerce Read More

Comparison Between ODT and PDF Files

ODT and PDF are file formats commonly used with text documents. While ODT is associated with Sun Microsystems’s Open Office / Star Office, PDF is associated with Adobe System Incorporated’s Acrobat / Adobe reader. ODT or Open Document Text Document is an XML (eXtensible hypertext Markup Language) format for open sourced text documents. It was developed by OASIS as a part of the Open Document 1.0 specification and is widely in place of the DOC format. ODT was made keeping Read More