Mechanical CAD Software

There is more than 20 CAD software in the current market. Which one should you learn? Well, this was the most annoying question for me when I was pursuing my engineering degree. Every time I ask someone, either my seniors or my professors, all of them gave me a different answer. Some asked me to go for Catia or NX Unigraphics while others for Solidworks or Autocad. I was worried as no one was suggesting for Solidedge and my college Read More

Designing Websites – Make Them Different To The Rest

Talented web developers and website designers that have a large portfolio should have no problems designing their own websites to showcase their portfolios. However, thinking about the exact concept and executing that concept could be difficult especially if you want to create a website for your portfolio that is unique. There are so many designer websites that stand out in their own unique ways so you have to spend more time brainstorming and letting your creative juices flow. If you Read More