Whistler Zip Line – Harness Gravity For The Most Bizarre Ride This Side Of The Universe

If an alien dictionary on human activities existed, it would be an interesting read. Flipping through its hyper-advanced pages (likely written in their alien script, but for this thought experiment, let’s pretend it’s English), under Hockey it would say, “An activity where humans slap around a bit of plastic with sticks.” Keep flipping, and the definition of Heli-skiing would read, “The act of being dropped off at the top of a mountain, using two modified planks of wood to skim Read More

What Is the First Case of Alien Abduction?

While many assume that the Betty and Barney Hill case was the first case of alien abduction in modern times, this is actually a misconception. The Hill abduction, while being the first case of an US Alien Abduction, was actually the second reported case in modern times. The first case of abduction was actually Antonia Villas Boas, who was a Brazilian Farmer in the interior in 1954. Boas chose to work at night to avoid the extreme heat, which is Read More