Sigmund Freud’s Nephew and Corporate Alien Control

His name was Edward L. Bernays. He was Sigmund Freud’s Nephew. He was born in Vienna on November 22, 1891 and died in his home at Cambridge, Massachusetts on March 9, 1995 at the age of 103. Before the early twentieth century, marketers thought of people as being rational beings. They figured all they had to do was reason with the public logically if they wanted to sell their product. Freud’s theories pointed out that everyone also possessed an unconscious Read More

Science Fiction Aquarium Decor For Nerds

Once it may have been an insult to call someone a nerd but these days, with nerds being some of the richest people on the planet, being known as a nerd is a praise. One of the things that all nerds share in common is a passion for science fiction. Who among us can resist the allure of traveling to distance stars and mingling with the exotic life forms that may exist on other planets. Now you have a chance Read More