Explore Strange and Alien Emotions

We can all agree reading expands your mind. It adds knowledge and facts. Plus skills, in some cases. Great writing can even create new perspectives and attitudes you can embrace. But can it do more than that? Rather than just building your brain, can it also build your heart? What an excellent question, my friend. It certainly can. A great book pulls us in. It makes the hero’s struggle ours. We feel the conflict and crave its resolution. Sometimes we Read More

Science Fiction and Science

How do authors develop the scientific ideas found in science fiction stories? The science in a SF story should be possible. That is, readers are easily convinced that the hardware (for example, a hyperdrive) could exist and that a described technique for its use (warp speed achieved through use of dilithium crystal) is reasonable. The ways authors find an idea for use in a story is the subject of this article. In my own case, I began with three story Read More